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Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to https://sultan24express.blogspot.com. Its policy is intended to provide information to you concerning how we collect data from you, how your information is protected, how this information may be used and how you may control the use and disclosure of your data. Readers are not required to provide information directly to us in order to view the Site. 

1. What information our site collects
The information we collect is limited to only what is necessary for any purposes identified. The types of information we collect may include: Information you give us directly. This can include information from posts in community discussions, search queries made on our site and any correspondences sent to us. Data automatically collected from visiting our site. This includes your computer’s IP address, your bandwidth speed, your browser and operating system, websites interacted with before and after visiting our site, data collected through HTML and Flash cookies, advertisements and links you click on within the site, all search queries made within the site, and location and information from mobile equipment used to access our site.
Data collected from other sources
We may access data from third-party sources including social media platforms, advertising and networking sites. This information may include username and connection lists for social media platforms, demographic, age range, gender and interests, interactions with particular advertisements and identification of location in accordance with applicable law.

2. How we utilize and share your personal information
The information Sultan24Express collects is intended to personalize and improve the user experience. Sultan24Express values your privacy and shares user information under very particular circumstances. We provide information to advertisers and applications under these circumstances: Sharing the data you provide or data that may not directly identify you to assist in developing content, services and advertising that might appeal to you. We do not share contact information with third parties including advertisers on this site. Public engagement including comments on posts and community discussions can be used and collected by third parties.
We may share information concerning you for circumstances including the investigation and prevention of fraud, harassment, safety measures, legal processes or violations, as required by law.
Third parties including advertisers may collect information including your IP address, links visited, through cookies, and other means when clicking on advertisements on our site. Sultan24Express ensures best practices for privacy and security to protect your information. Information we collect is only retained as long as it remains necessary to fulfill the intended use.

3. Advertising
To ensure and provide readers with free access to our content, we place advertisements on our website.These advertisements are curated to provide a customized experience for you based on the information collected through cookies, search queries and other sources. This allows for advertisers to interact with site visitors that may be interested in their products or services.

4. Your acceptance of our terms
By using our site, you acknowledge and accept the terms of our policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our site. Continued use of the site demonstrates your acceptance of said policy.

5. Changes of this privacy policy
Our privacy policy may be updated at any time to the needs of our practices and services. Any substantial changes will be made apparent. Your continued use of our site means you acknowledge and accept the new terms of the privacy policy.

6. Addressing your concerns
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us.

Thanks & Regards

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